Thursday, February 9, 2017

The next post will be just for fun. Read on.

Round 2 out of who knows how many in the bag.  Check!  It was a hard round.  I started a third drug in addition to the other two.  I was knocked out pretty hard with nausea and exhaustion.  Luckily, all the food I did manage to eat did stay down due to wonderful drugs that help counter those side-effects. 

I am just now coming out of the fog.  Appetite is returning and I’m so thirsty today.  Worst side effects here are still some tiredness, mouth soreness, and chemo taste.  I’m starting to lose some hair, too.  Who knows when it will be time to shave the rest of it off?  I really liked my latest cut, to boot!

I thought it would be fun to do a lighthearted post.  How about a Question & Answer post.  Y’all write the questions and I’ll answer the ones I can get to in a few days.  So, you can comment on here this post or write on my FB wall or comment on this FB post with whatever question you can come up with.  It could be about the obvious: cancer, or what made me finally decide to marry David?  How crazy were we to have 4 kids in 5 years?  Why did we choose to take our family to a national park instead of a theme park?  What’s my favorite mothering advice?  Discipline advice (that’s a whole blog post) - but if you want it, I’ll write it.  Favorite food that I miss the most given my new diet?  What is this new diet exactly?  What is an ostomy pouch?  Doesn’t that sound like a good time?

Let us know what you can come up with.  Most creative question gets a virtual high five (It works for my kids, but they prefer the physical high-five).

Love to all!

Kate (and gang)


  1. I've always wondered, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

  2. Has anyone knicknamed your waste bags the "saddlebags" yet? Because if they haven't they should. Think of all of the great one-liners such as "Great dinner. Just going to tuck that away in the old saddlebag." Or "Whew, this pony's saddlebags are sagging!" - Maribeth (aka the inappropriate jokester)

  3. I believe it would be nice to have an encore of your singing and dancing video from last year. We couldn't hear the music but your performance was too die laughing for. Lol
    Encore video please! (The one from the hospital when you where trying to wake up from anesthesia)

  4. What is your favorite mothering advice? And what is something you have observed in your kids as you watch them more from your comfy throne?

  5. Discipline advice! That Madelyn Swift book was so helpful for my classroom management. :)

  6. What are you most proud of how your kids have handled the cancer diagnosis? God Bless you my prayers are with you

  7. How has the cancer changed your perspective on life? And also how has it affected your spiritual life? You are so inspiring to me. Thank you for sharing your journey!


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